June 12, 2012


At times, we all need to feel accepted in one way or another; to fit into societal norms and be just one of the “crowd”. For me, it is a constant battle. As I’ve gotten older, though, I’ve learned to accept the stares and whispers as part of my everyday life. I had an experience this weekend that opened my eyes to the kindness and acceptance of total strangers.

One of my friends, who is a Mennonite, invited me to a “hymn sing” for the first time last Saturday evening at her Grandmother’s home. As the day grew closer, I became more apprehensive; would the participants stare at me or turn their heads, not even acknowledging my presence?

The day arrived, and my anticipation grew. As my friend and I pulled into the driveway, a welcoming committee of smiling faces greeted us. The singing commenced, and my heart swelled. Uplifted by the chorus of voices and the approving nods that came my way, I had the feeling of being “one’ with the group; a feeling I rarely have. It has been three days, and I’m still aglow because I was part of this event. It reminded me in this world, there are individuals who accept you for who you are, you just need to be patient enough to find them.

1 comments - Post a Comment:


Great message, Hope!

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