August 24, 2012

Signing Off

As you can probably figure out by my lack of blogging, I moved back to Messiah College Wednesday afternoon.  I previously took some time in the last few weeks to indulge myself in favorite summer spots.  I let these days just slide over me before the rat-race of college life begins once more.  It’s hard to believe another summer went by so quickly; and yet it always does, doesn’t it?

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit my all-time cherished spot—Gettysburg—with my friend, Angie.  After visiting the new Lincoln Museum, which by the way is marvelous, we took a tour of the National Cemetery.  As we made our journey through the rolling hills, I thought how the brevity of life haunts us all, and yet, it does not have to.  If we are a light in another’s life, that light never dies.  Although our physical bodies fade away, our presence always remains. 

I’m saying all of this to make a point.  The journey of my internship with United Cerebral Palsy has been so amazingly incredible, with the help of Lynda Bowen and the rest of UCP’s staff, that I’m still awestricken!  It is true, as my internship demonstrated; we can be a light in other’s eyes, if we try.  Though I’m sad to see it end, this internship taught me that valuable lesson. 

With great regret, I’m taking a respite from blogging two or three times a week: only for a short time, though.  Thank you all for religiously following me.  I plan to write a ritual Friday afternoon blog, but I can’t promise anything.  I’ll try not to disappoint you!  Thank you all for believing in me, for success stems out of belief.  Signing off for now :)

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