January 4, 2013

Capturing The Essence of my Blog Experience

Hi all!  This week, I felt compelled to share something with you I wrote last semester.  Below is an excerpt from an essay about my blog writing venture.  Although it applies to theories we studied in the classroom, the snippet I include captures the essence of my overall joy in my experience in writing “Journey of Hope”.  I hope you find as much joy in reading my blog as much as I do composing it!  Thank you for reading and your continuing support! 

"…In retrospect, I think my blog embodies the Expressivist view, discussed earlier in the semester.  This theory takes a subjective view of reality in that truth is found within, and is discovered through internal apprehension.  It also posits that truth is conceived as the result of a private vision that must be constantly consulted in writing.  I always have a vision before I write, but I also invent as I write my blog.  For me, discovery happens when I write, and every time I create a new entry, I discover something new about my writing.  We all have our own personal idea of what reality is, but when I put that reality in writing, then my reality becomes permanent.  If I discover a new revelation, or a new truth through my blog, I write about it.  

Finally, another theory my blog embodies is the New Rhetoric approach, which takes the social constructivists’ view that “reality is found through interaction of subject and object with language and audience as mediating agencies.”  Even though I am not an intern at United Cerebral Palsy of Central Pennsylvania anymore, positive comments still appear on my posts.  It is an honor for me to be the shaper of reality in my blog.  I only know when I write my blog, truth has power, and readers respond to that power!"

P.S.  I welcome all comments!  :)

1 comments - Post a Comment:


Well thank YOU for keeping this blog in the first place! It's true that writing can be a powerful tool not just to express ourselves but to crystallize our thoughts and perceptions of reality. And getting everything out on paper (or computer screen) can have all kinds of benefits for one's mind. Thanks for sharing your writings with the rest of us. If you're interested in reading other blogs (or even sharing yours with a wider audience), there is a really good blogging section of the Cerebral Palsy Family Network website. You should check it out!

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