June 17, 2013

Miss Iowa

Today, I read such an inspiring news story that I felt compelled to share my thoughts with all of you.  It was about “Miss Iowa,” and how she does not let her disability define who she is.  I can definitely relate to this!  As someone who is differently abled, I know it’s very hard not to let my Cerebral Palsy define my thoughts and actions at times.  It dawned on me several years ago, though, if I dwelled on my disability, outwardly or inwardly, it would affect those who interacted with me, and I would become my Cerebral Palsy.  While I still fall into this pit at times, experience teaches me if I concentrate on life itself, it leads to a happier and healthier life.  So hats off to “Miss Iowa” because she is one of many who redefines what it means to live life with a disability!

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