August 16, 2013

Summer’s End

Today, I sadly admit is the last day of my internship with UCP.  I thought I’d celebrate with a poem.  Again, thank you for your support.  I'll return to my Friday schedule next week, so keep your eyes peeled for more of my ramblings!  And now, my poem!

The wind in the trees tells of summer’s demise,
like a long-lost-friend beckoning to come home again—
I pause, knowing this is the end—
the end of a mystical, magical time—
I try to grasp harder, try to get a better hold of it all—
but time, time in its infinite wisdom says it is all for not—
I grasp to no avail—
“Was it “A Midsummer Night’s Dream?” I ask, slightly confused—
No, I realize—
it’s that brief time when everything’s right in the world—
a utopia of sorts—
soon to be gone—
Only to be spoken as myth to the young—
To be forgotten—
A brief time, indeed—
Never to be rediscovered—
To be remembered as a time in the sun—
There’ll be other summers certainly—
But this, this one is etched on my mind
For all time—
The winter wind will not erase the joy
felt in my heart—
My very being—
For this brief time
Indeed, summer will come again!

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