February 21, 2014

T'is So Much Joy

This poem by (guess who?) Emily Dickinson caught my eye today and I decided to post it   Sometimes, we all need to take heed of the joy in life because we never know when it will be cut short.  Well, today is my day to be reminded of that…and who better to do this than my all-time favorite poet!  Hope you enjoy and have a great weekend!

’T is so much joy! ’T is so much joy!
If I should fail, what poverty!
And yet, as poor as I
Have ventured all upon a throw;
Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so
This side the victory!
Life is but life, and death but death!
Bliss is but bliss, and breath but breath!
And if, indeed, I fail,
At least to know the worst is sweet.
Defeat means nothing but defeat,
No drearier can prevail!
And if I gain,—oh, gun at sea,
Oh, bells that in the steeples be,
At first repeat it slow!
For heaven is a different thing
Conjectured, and waked sudden in,
And might o’erwhelm me so!

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