June 26, 2015

Inspiration at its Finest

 Here is some inspiration for this Friday afternoon.  As many of you know, my math skills leave much to be desired, so I think this is totally awesome!  Once again it shows how far a person can go if they are persistent in their quest to succeed.

Have a wonderful weekend!

June 19, 2015

A Quote from the Past

Here is a quote from one of my most favorite women in history.  It reminds me that the passage of time does not change our human feelings and our connection to each other.

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.’ . . . You must do the thing you think you cannot do.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Have a good weekend, everyone!

June 12, 2015

A Little Help from our Friends

Below is a link to a very inspiring story, which I thought was worthy to post.  It caught my eye, and I hope you enjoy reading it, too!

Have a good weekend, everyone.

June 5, 2015

A Little Determination Can Go a Long Way

This article so put me in mind of a younger version of myself.  It was so well written that I decided to post it on this week’s blog.  Also, it reminded me of how blessed I am and how very far I’ve come in my life.  As we all know, a little determination goes a long way if we are brave enough to use it.

Have a great weekend, everyone


P.S The link does not seem to work, but if you copy and paste it into your text box, it should do the trick.  It's worth the read!

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