June 28, 2013

Fanny Crosby


This week, I learned about Fanny Crosby, a visually impaired poet and lyricist who lived in the mid-1800s.  We sing her songs at most of the Mennonite gatherings I intend.  Needless to say, my curiosity finally won over and I began researching more on her life.  To my astonishment, she wrote almost 9,000 hymns!  It amazed me to imagine a person who lived with a disability thrived in that society so long ago.  I think of it as a true testament of what a person can overcome if they truly believe!

On that note, have a great weekend everyone!

June 26, 2013

Beautifully Different

I found a really inspiring video I would like to share with you made by Charisse Hogan.  As always, comments on this, or anything else I’ve written are welcome.

Happy Wednesday, everyone!

June 24, 2013

A Writer’s Quandary


In today’s world, it’s all about emotion; feeling—we say what we think and lay it out in plain view—for public consumption—it’s all at our fingertips (or toe tips) as they say.  We continuously feed off other’s views, and, yes, even beliefs, subsequently morphing and adopting them as our own.  Some, though, are reticent, not wanting (or willing) to give the world a window into their disguised soul.  Recently, through other’s critiques of my writings I discovered I am one of these individuals, and consequently, wondered why. 

One of my favorite pastimes is the study of American History.  I guess why I love it so much is because the reader (or viewer) has to sort through words alone to glimpse the writer’s intent on a given matter, but rarely feelings, like a stoic puzzle waiting to be fit together.  Even in more recent personal history, for instance, most of my grandparent’s generation maintained an emotional distance.  Personal matters close to the heart were off the radar, emotional ones even more so.  They, in their infinite wisdom, managed to go through life happy, for all intense purposes.

I’m rambling, I know.  Please forgive me!  My question is this: how do writers meld the old and the new, reveal the very sacred and yet not divulge themselves to the outside world?  I welcome all comments or suggestions!

June 21, 2013

Summer Days

Today, I reflected on the significance on summer and its meaning.  As a young child, I loved to sit out in the sun, basking in its glow.  I still love to do this, but summer has a deeper meaning now.  As I look outside my window, I notice everything is in bloom.  I liken this to my mind, fully in its glory, the sun giving it energy and welcoming me to convey my innermost thoughts and feelings to the world, if I am only willing. 

Have a good weekend, everyone!

June 19, 2013


Since last Sunday was Father’s Day, I felt a need to write a celebratory post about my Granddad, or “Pap,” as I called him.  Although he has been gone over ten years now, my memories of him are as fresh as though we had a recent conversation.  His strong, yet quiet nature, fortitude during difficult times and unyielding devotion to his family all cause me to miss him the more.  As I grow older, though, I doubly value the times I spent with him.  One of the last lessons Pap taught me is relevant to my life now, even more so than it was then; and that is it is easy to exist with a stagnant mind, but real growth comes with accepting change and being open to it.  Although this is hard to accomplish, I try my best to practice this in my life and I only hope he looks down on me with pride today.  I truly hope everyone has (or had at some point in their lives) a figure such as my “Pap.”  They are blessed beyond words!

June 17, 2013

Miss Iowa

Today, I read such an inspiring news story that I felt compelled to share my thoughts with all of you.  It was about “Miss Iowa,” and how she does not let her disability define who she is.  I can definitely relate to this!  As someone who is differently abled, I know it’s very hard not to let my Cerebral Palsy define my thoughts and actions at times.  It dawned on me several years ago, though, if I dwelled on my disability, outwardly or inwardly, it would affect those who interacted with me, and I would become my Cerebral Palsy.  While I still fall into this pit at times, experience teaches me if I concentrate on life itself, it leads to a happier and healthier life.  So hats off to “Miss Iowa” because she is one of many who redefines what it means to live life with a disability!

June 14, 2013


This week, as I began my internship with United Cerebral Palsy of Central PA, I pondered where an individual’s gift of words originates; to still or move the heart by the written language.  Why are we so captivated by the art itself?  A little word can have so much impact, beyond the word itself.  I’ve always been intrigued by this question and impacted by this even as a little girl.  Even as I write this blog, I choose my words so carefully, so succintly.  I feel the impending excitement, as I did last summer, that I hold the power to captivate just by the pressure of my toe, striking each key, and I thank my audience for putting this all at my “feet.”  For that, I am truly grateful!

Have a great weekend!

June 12, 2013

Ido in Autismland

Today, as I began to do some preliminary research on the book Ido in Autismland, my first assignment for United Cerebral Palsy this summer, the universal truth struck me again that our inner being comes from the same vein.  Although I knew this concept, wading through the research today only reinforced the fact.  It is pertinent not to judge someone outwardly, as many are apt to do.  Even without reading the entire book, I have the sense that I’m in for a treat.  Indeed, I’m looking forward to reading this heartwarming story!

June 10, 2013

It Begins...Again


Today, I embarked on another leg of my journey.  My internship with UCP Central PA with the summer of 2013 officially started, and once again, my mind was fraught with anticipation mixed with a little nervousness.  It suddenly dawns on me, though as I write this, the ultimate meaning behind UCP Central PA, not only for me, but also to all that benefit from it.  From my standpoint, the letters UCP signify an air of endless possibilities, and yes, hope (how appropriate) for so many, me included.  I feel so privileged to be a part of this; I only hope that I fulfill my duties to the utmost this summer.  Wish me luck as I continue on this wild and wonderful quest!

June 7, 2013

The Perpetual Flyer

Here is a blast from the past.  This is a poem I wrote over ten years ago, but I thought you would enjoy reading entitled The Perpetual Flyer.  It gives me pause to think I could write so well at an early age, as I prepare to embark on my second internship with United Cerebral Palsy.  I’m so excited.   

Have a fabulous weekend!

Sometimes in slumber, one dreams that all bodily limitations are cast away with the wind.

Feeling no physical restrictions that inhibit the body in the waking hours, the mind is free

to float through a labyrinth of uninhibited passageways all through the mystifying trance

of sleep.  One cannot describe the exhilaration.

that one feels actually flying.

It is as if the soul is free from any bondage it encounters in life.

Air whistling close to the ear, the cool sensation of air flowing over the body and the

overwhelming sense of freedom is all part of this fantastic experience.

Free from the body garb that hinders one in waking hours, one can feel what it is like to

be so alive in spirit.

It is a refuge from daily physical barriers that one encounters.  This feeling is to be locked

away deep in the heart of hearts and cherished for a lifetime.

--January 2, 2002

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