May 31, 2013

A View of Anne Frank

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” –Anne Frank

What a wonderful sentiment to live.  Although a fan of Anne Frank since a young age, I forgot her words of wisdom until I came upon the quote today.  In this fast-paced society, we sometimes don’t realize the power each of us has to change our world; whether it is via action or word, and how little it takes to accomplish.  I am, sad to say, guilty of this as well.  I’m reminded, though; we can be used as instruments of good if we have that purpose in the forefront of our minds!

As I leave you with that deep thought, have a great weekend!  And thank you for continuing to follow my blog.  It really means a lot!

May 24, 2013

Memorial Day

In this post, I would like to commemorate all of the heroes who served our country throughout time.  As Memorial Day approaches, I ponder the freedoms I enjoy as an American and am thankful to those who made the ultimate sacrifice so I can live in the world I do today.  I take pause to think how utterly different our lives would be without these brave men and women.  It’s startling, really, to consider what might have been if these courageous individuals had not intervened.  So, I give thanks to those of yesterday who cared so much about today!

Have a great holiday weekend!

May 17, 2013


“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.”

~Helen Keller

Although writen almost a cenury ago, Helen Keller’s words ring true to this day.  As I continously grow in age, (and hopefully, widsom,) I find that a happy spirit repels difficulties and ensures a joyful life.  I’ve reconized the power to be happy lies within myself, not others.  Useful words to keep in mind on this beautiful spring day!

May 10, 2013


Hi All,

I’ve just completed my last final an hour ago.  What a feeling!  I’m looking forward to a time of fun and relaxation this summer, and feel as if I’m on top of the world today.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

May 3, 2013

Coming down the Home Stretch

Today, I took time to reflect on the fact I only have a week of school left of spring semester 2013.  That’s pretty amazing, if I do say so myself!  As each milestone passes on my remarkable journey, I sometimes stop to reflect on how far I’ve come in these last few years. This semester proved to be a rewarding, yet challenging experience.  Though I miss the life of academia, it’s always refreshing to be released from its duties.  Summer is just around the corner, and I’m ready to bask in its welcomed sun.  Let it begin! 

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