August 31, 2012

I’m Back

 Hi Folks,

As promised, here is my weekly blog.  Better late than never, right?  As all of you are aware, I’m back at Messiah College and taking one of my last required English courses this fall in order to graduate.  I believe Composition Theory and Pedagogy will be a very thought-provoking class, much more so than others.  In lieu of a mentorship program requirement for the other students, I will be mentoring myself through my blog. 

On Tuesday, the first day of class, the professor handed out a list of quotes to respond to in writing.  I found a quote that fits me perfectly.  “Why am I compelled to write?  Because the writing saves me from this complacency I fear.  Because I have no choice.  Because I must keep the spirit of my revolt and myself alive.  Because the world I create in the writing compensates for what the real world does not give me.  By writing I put order in the world, give it a handle so I can grasp it…Finally I write because I’m scared of writing but I’m more scared of not writing.”  Strangely enough, this continuously has been an anthem throughout my life.  This is true, not only for me, but for others.  I feel if I didn’t write, I would burst at the seam.  As I said before, I hope I can engender change in lives similar to my own.  I hope that as readers saw in my blog throughout the summer, and continue to see, complacency is not a choice not only for me, but also for all of us. 

August 24, 2012

Signing Off

As you can probably figure out by my lack of blogging, I moved back to Messiah College Wednesday afternoon.  I previously took some time in the last few weeks to indulge myself in favorite summer spots.  I let these days just slide over me before the rat-race of college life begins once more.  It’s hard to believe another summer went by so quickly; and yet it always does, doesn’t it?

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit my all-time cherished spot—Gettysburg—with my friend, Angie.  After visiting the new Lincoln Museum, which by the way is marvelous, we took a tour of the National Cemetery.  As we made our journey through the rolling hills, I thought how the brevity of life haunts us all, and yet, it does not have to.  If we are a light in another’s life, that light never dies.  Although our physical bodies fade away, our presence always remains. 

I’m saying all of this to make a point.  The journey of my internship with United Cerebral Palsy has been so amazingly incredible, with the help of Lynda Bowen and the rest of UCP’s staff, that I’m still awestricken!  It is true, as my internship demonstrated; we can be a light in other’s eyes, if we try.  Though I’m sad to see it end, this internship taught me that valuable lesson. 

With great regret, I’m taking a respite from blogging two or three times a week: only for a short time, though.  Thank you all for religiously following me.  I plan to write a ritual Friday afternoon blog, but I can’t promise anything.  I’ll try not to disappoint you!  Thank you all for believing in me, for success stems out of belief.  Signing off for now :)

August 10, 2012


Yesterday, as my internship ended, I thought how I compared myself to Emily Dickinson in one of my early blog posts.  The poem on my blog fits me precisely.  Emily Dickinson never penned truer words.  Hope, I discovered, is a thing with wings because it takes you places you never been before.  For me, my internship is proof of that. 

I would like to extend a grateful thanks to the staff at UCP, especially Lynda Bowen, who entrusted me with the internship, and allowed me to be part of their voice for a short time.  As I prepare for another journey this fall, I know I will look upon my college career, and life in general, with a renewed lease.  Most importantly, during my time at UCP, I learned if you follow your dreams, there is no telling what will come.  Just have HOPE!

August 7, 2012

The Finale? Not Quite Yet!

It seems my focus this week is on endings; the ending of summer, my internship and a somewhat carefree existence.  Isn’t that what summer means: that bubble of time where you let yourself go?  As I think of the final weeks of this summer, especially the final week of my internship, sadness tugs at my heart.  It is the ending of something special and unique to me.  I enjoyed not only the tasks assigned to me, but making a difference in people’s thoughts, maybe even existence.  That was the most rewarding part of the journey.

Just maybe I learned a valuable lesson, also.  Even as a little girl, it fascinated me how words shape individuals’ thoughts and perceptions.  I guess as an English major, I realized the importance of language to a certain extent, but never examined it in much detail.  After writing so many literary treatises, words lost their glamor, and most importantly, meaning.  

During my internship with United Cerebral Palsy, I learned words, MY words, impacted so many people it still totally amazes me.  To be presented with the opportunity this summer to intern with UCP still boggles my mind.  What an amazing experience!  Even though I am grieved over its ending, I’ll think upon my internship with happiness and hope I will have the opportunity to be honored with the pleasure again!

August 3, 2012


Today, I saw an article that reminded me a person’s potential is never known until it is tested and how powerful believing in yourself can be.  Dr. Sheehan was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at a young age and doctors gave little or no hope she would be a success.  Contrary to their belief, she completed an undergraduate degree in psychology, (with honors), then received her doctorate in the same field.  Reading this article only made me want to strive harder in my life and make a difference to those dearest to my heart, like Dr. Sheehan.  As my internship with United Cerebral Palsy ends, I hope believing in myself caused an impact in someone’s life, (more than one, with a bit of luck) while I had fun along the way.  It’s been a great ride this summer!

August 1, 2012

Robert Frost

Today, I read some of the poems of Robert Frost and remembered that I wrote a poem in a reflection of one of his.  I thought I would post it for you.  Enjoy!

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I –
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
--Robert Frost, Excerpt from “The Road Not Taken, Mountain Interval, 1920”

View of “The Road Not Taken”

So many years have passed.
Life eternally presents many roads to travel by.
Youth pretends to be our friend,
displaying all the splendors of life
before our very eyes.
Then, one day we have to choose;
win or lose. 
Yes, the ‘one less traveled by’ is
the one, excluding much fun.
Are we happy with this plight?
Yes, because we know what is right and wrong,
thus, we do what is right.

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