June 19, 2013


Since last Sunday was Father’s Day, I felt a need to write a celebratory post about my Granddad, or “Pap,” as I called him.  Although he has been gone over ten years now, my memories of him are as fresh as though we had a recent conversation.  His strong, yet quiet nature, fortitude during difficult times and unyielding devotion to his family all cause me to miss him the more.  As I grow older, though, I doubly value the times I spent with him.  One of the last lessons Pap taught me is relevant to my life now, even more so than it was then; and that is it is easy to exist with a stagnant mind, but real growth comes with accepting change and being open to it.  Although this is hard to accomplish, I try my best to practice this in my life and I only hope he looks down on me with pride today.  I truly hope everyone has (or had at some point in their lives) a figure such as my “Pap.”  They are blessed beyond words!

1 comments - Post a Comment:


I wish you and 'Ralph" an awesome independence day. You personify the meaning of the word!


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