June 7, 2013

The Perpetual Flyer

Here is a blast from the past.  This is a poem I wrote over ten years ago, but I thought you would enjoy reading entitled The Perpetual Flyer.  It gives me pause to think I could write so well at an early age, as I prepare to embark on my second internship with United Cerebral Palsy.  I’m so excited.   

Have a fabulous weekend!

Sometimes in slumber, one dreams that all bodily limitations are cast away with the wind.

Feeling no physical restrictions that inhibit the body in the waking hours, the mind is free

to float through a labyrinth of uninhibited passageways all through the mystifying trance

of sleep.  One cannot describe the exhilaration.

that one feels actually flying.

It is as if the soul is free from any bondage it encounters in life.

Air whistling close to the ear, the cool sensation of air flowing over the body and the

overwhelming sense of freedom is all part of this fantastic experience.

Free from the body garb that hinders one in waking hours, one can feel what it is like to

be so alive in spirit.

It is a refuge from daily physical barriers that one encounters.  This feeling is to be locked

away deep in the heart of hearts and cherished for a lifetime.

--January 2, 2002

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