January 18, 2013

Carolinian Land

Today, I rummaged through my old writings, and found this poem I thought you all would enjoy.  In it, I try to capture the land’s beauty.  Feel free to post any comments.  Again, thanks for tuning in every week and I hope you all have a marvelous weekend! 

How barren are you, 
The wind sweeping across your surface. 

Remnants of grass toss to and fro,
Making you a never-ending sea of shining, flexible, delicate thread. 

Nothing but that whimsical grass is seen playing in the soft breeze;
Evoking an enigma of your quiet, yet effervescent presence. 

You will forever be loved as my own,
Even though you are miles away.

A barren land that is so honored and
Cherished that you will never be forgotten or discarded.

May your beauty remain throughout

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