March 7, 2014


"My grief, I find, is not desolation or rebellion at universal law or deity. I find grief to be much simpler and sadder... All the things he loved tear at my heart because he is no longer here on earth to enjoy them. All the things he loved!"
- John Gunther

This is a quote from Death Be Not Proud.  For those who do not know, the story chronicled the struggles of Gunther’s teenaged son, who passed away from cancer in the 1940s.  This week, when visiting an ill friend and hearing of a passing of another, I thought about the quote and how it echoes truth—about death and how it leaves such a void in the heart everytime—a void in the inner being and how we miss them so.  It is a grief that is always there; that always surrounds us in our wake.  We can only find strength to move beyond that saddness in the belief that they find rest and peace when they are no longer with us.   It is definitely that Hope that sustains me when I lose loved ones that are dear to my heart.

Have a good weekend!

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