July 29, 2013

Pebbles and Shells

I want to thank my friends for an amazing time at the beach last week.  It was a time for reflection—to review the past year’s events and achievements, but also to look ahead—to prepare for life changes and anticipate their effect on my thoughts, words and deeds.  I must say as I start to focus on my final year at Messiah College, I feel a sense of urgency and uncertainness.  Last week, as I saw the tide roll in and out though, a peaceful serenity washed over me, and I realized the waves of the ocean is like life itself—continuous pebbles and shells wash onto shore, only to be swept away again.  Doesn’t that sound like life?  No one knows what pebbles and shells they’ll encounter, but once in a while, they discover a beautiful one and cling to them with every breath they have.  That makes everything all right in the world.  I know no matter my life challenges, I’ll always find beautiful pebbles and shells in all of my travels!  I hope you do as well.

1 comments - Post a Comment:

Mrs. G.

Congratulations Hope. This piece shows you have the heart and gift of a writer.
Mrs. G.

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