June 5, 2012

My Journey Through the Internship

Today, it officially began; my long awaited and anticipated summer internship with UCP Central PA. I waited for this moment for six long months. Now, it is here. I’m on the edge of a precipice, I thought, as I lay in bed this morning. All my years of hard work as a college student have come to fruition.

After my initial meeting today (my first day on the job, so to speak), I gained a new perspective on the working world and how I, Hope Johnson, have the ability to affect change dearest to my heart and very being.  It dawned on me that I can utilize my skills as a writer to garner change.  The whole thing is mind boggling to me!  One thing I’m committed to:  I WILL AFFECT CHANGE IN THE LIVES OF SO MANY PEOPLE.  What a revelation.  It is something to keep in mind as I journey through the internship.  I hope I’m worthy of such a task!

2 comments - Post a Comment:


Hope, I'm so excited to have found your blog! This is Emily, we were friends during the short time we attended Red Mill Elementary together. I live in the Seattle area now, but I thought of you this morning and (thanks to Google) here you are! It's so wonderful to see the amazing things you are doing, and that you are sharing the journey online. I would love to talk with you, so please feel free to email.


I suppose sharing this would help :)

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