July 5, 2012

Happy July 4th

Today, I considered the significance of Independence Day for me, personally.  As I pondered, I thought about the treatment toward those who were physically or mentally challenged in history throughout the world, particularly, in the United States.  It amazes me that our country has evolved concerning the disabled community, even in my short life.  I’m aware America has many imperfections; but we do live in a country where there is always room to change and improve.  This is not only viable for individuals with a disability, but to everyone who wants to leave a lasting impact on our society.  It’s been over two hundred years and America remains the champion of equal opportunities and cherishes its citizens’ ability to utilize the skills and talents they possess, and rise accordingly.  Astonishing!  Happy July 4th everyone! 

1 comments - Post a Comment:


Beautifully written Hope. We are still the land of opportunity.

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